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Re: ihop or vektek? Who is serving Jesus more faithfully?
Mighty.Sun.Tzu Views: 1,148
Published: 13 y
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Re: ihop or vektek? Who is serving Jesus more faithfully?

It is true that rainy said she chooses not to be involved with ihop kc, but she does not come against every move of the Holy Spirit as you do.  What my words meant were that she and i both discern or at least attempt to, not throwing the good out with the bad without at least attempting to discern between the two.   Rainy has openly stated that she believes in and speaks in Tongues.  But you reject tongues as being for today, right?... so you believe her tongues are either from her flesh or from the devil?  And yet do you pretend that you are on the same side in all of this? 

My gift of discerning of Spirits is such that i can listen to 90% good teaching and 10% bad and flatly reject all of the bad, receiving none of it... but still gain from the 90% that was good.   Some things that are not easily discerned as most are, i neither receive or reject, but ask the Lord to show me.  Since no church or teacher is perfect, this gift has shown itself to be quite valuable... well worth the 9 months of fasting and praying for it.   

But your teachings vektek are false, quenching the Holy Spirit seemingly at every possible opportunity and with the malicious intent that shows you to be badly deceived.   Rainy is not racing around in a frenzy renouncing every true move of the Holy Spirit along with the ones she believes to be false, something you are doing with wreckless abandon.  You have chosen the role of false teacher, well mostly you have chosen to copy the lying teachings of other false teachers, obsessed with your malicious fight against the Kingdom of holiness... and you need to come to your senses.  

A great place to start would be getting delivered and then filled with the Holy Spirit (don't leave the house swept clean), dying to your flesh taking every thought captive and living holy unto the Father and the Lord Jesus.  You can not begin to imagine the holy blessings and favor that accompany this level of holy surrender to the LORD.  May God richly bless you and set you free.



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