yes ihop kc is so Holy Spirit filled i'm sure it would send you into a panic. Bethel in Redding too. Maybe there is a little church on the prarie somewhere that would make you comfortable?
ps: I have yet to find a church that is perfect, yet i still attend many places, chew the meat and spit out the bones. As such i continue to flourish and grow amidst brothers, sisters and friends in the Lord Jesus. We are under no obligation by the Living God to agree with every single thing that is taught. Even in the favorite places i have found where i feel the most at home, i have yet to agree with everything that is espoused. Perhaps it requires a level of Spiritual maturity to be able to navigate this?
There is a place for correction as truly led by the Holy Spirit if we are living holy unto the Lord in intimate relationship with Him (meaning that the plank is out of our own eye so that we can see clearly to take the plank or speck out of our brothers eye), pointing out pervasive flaws in lying doctrines of man for example, but it is ridiculous and extremely counter-productive to the body of Christ to live a life of nit picking genuinely Spirit filled places and people in the attempt to denounce them... when every single church and disciple of the Lord Jesus on the planet are imperfect including Peter and Paul 2000 years ago.
An example of how to do this properly might be, "ihop kc is an awesomely Spirit filled place with amazingly anointed worship and prayer which has been an immense blessing to countless believers, but i disagree with x, y and z".
Yes Rainy, i completely agree. How can any mature disciple of the Lord Jesus denounce a perfectly good worship song played by 7 people because their pastor teaches something they don't like? Or even if the pastor himself played a perfectly good worship song and someone didn't agree with 100 % of his teaching, is it spiritually mature to denounce his perfectly good song?
to this i will add that i am fine with listening to teachings that are 90% good and 10% bad because i have no problem with flatly rejecting the 10%. This is one way among others in which the discernment of Spirits gift is so valuable. I don't have to run and hide from all imperfect people, teachers and churches just because they are imperfect.
Yes i will take what the thousand servants of the Lord Jesus are accomplishing for the Kingdom of Holiness at ihop hands down over what a thousand scoffing vekteks would be accomplishing who immediately begin to scoff whenever the Holy Spirit moves. If i want to go into battle against the demonic realm, i want team ihop fighting with me, not team vektek because they are holy warriors and you are not. This goes for Bethel Redding too. Neither church is perfect, but i endorse both because they are two of the most Holy Spirit filled churches in this nation and i reject and renounce your false teachings and your alignment against the kingdom of holiness which i strongly believe are demonically fueled. If Jesus Himself were here today and looked different, teaching and performing a sea of miracles, you would scoff at Him too and call Him the antichrist believing you were doing a great service to the body of Christ. Such is the level to which you have become deceived. If you want to be set free from the enemy's stronghold in your life, i am here to help you.
Please re-read my entire post very carefully. I believe there is a spirit of confusion and a lying spirit getting you all mixed up. Rainy embraces the Holy Spirit and discerns between holiness and unholiness just as i do whereas you seem to reject the Holy Spirit every time. Do you have any interest in speaking out against teachings you oppose in spiritually dead churches or only those that are Spirit filled and filled with servants of the Lord Jesus living holy unto Him and accomplishing many holy signs and wonders through their surrendered lives and in His mighty name? I did not say that i embrace every teaching of ihop, so please pay careful attention and don't let yourself be so easily decieved and confused.
I don't know what i believe about gold dust since i have not been there and nor have i ever seen any myself, but the church as a whole, from what i have seen is much more Holy Spirit filled than most and 1000x more Holy Spirit filled than you. The people i know who have been there for training are awesome brothers and sisters in the Lord, absolutely on fire for Him, even if i don't agree with them on everything. Try to remember if you will that none of us are perfect and certainly not you since you are in your flesh and deny the power of the Holy Spirit every chance you get.
It is possible that gold dust would be in the 10% give or take that i don't believe from their teachings, but it wouldn't stop me from visiting the church, worshiping my Heavenly Father through His Son and through the awesome worship there... and discerning. Even if the gold dust is false, will a false belief in gold dust keep someone out of heaven? If i were you vektek, i would be much more concerned about whether a person will make it into heaven who is not living holy unto the Lord and serving Him in the war against the kingdom of unholiness.
Any reason you needed to drag me into this? I don't recall having any exchanges with you to warrant whatever you're trying to do here.
It is true that rainy said she chooses not to be involved with ihop kc, but she does not come against every move of the Holy Spirit as you do. What my words meant were that she and i both discern or at least attempt to, not throwing the good out with the bad without at least attempting to discern between the two. Rainy has openly stated that she believes in and speaks in Tongues. But you reject tongues as being for today, right?... so you believe her tongues are either from her flesh or from the devil? And yet do you pretend that you are on the same side in all of this?
My gift of discerning of Spirits is such that i can listen to 90% good teaching and 10% bad and flatly reject all of the bad, receiving none of it... but still gain from the 90% that was good. Some things that are not easily discerned as most are, i neither receive or reject, but ask the Lord to show me. Since no church or teacher is perfect, this gift has shown itself to be quite valuable... well worth the 9 months of fasting and praying for it.
But your teachings vektek are false, quenching the Holy Spirit seemingly at every possible opportunity and with the malicious intent that shows you to be badly deceived. Rainy is not racing around in a frenzy renouncing every true move of the Holy Spirit along with the ones she believes to be false, something you are doing with wreckless abandon. You have chosen the role of false teacher, well mostly you have chosen to copy the lying teachings of other false teachers, obsessed with your malicious fight against the Kingdom of holiness... and you need to come to your senses.
A great place to start would be getting delivered and then filled with the Holy Spirit (don't leave the house swept clean), dying to your flesh taking every thought captive and living holy unto the Father and the Lord Jesus. You can not begin to imagine the holy blessings and favor that accompany this level of holy surrender to the LORD. May God richly bless you and set you free.