Yes i will take what the thousand servants of the Lord Jesus are accomplishing for the Kingdom of Holiness at ihop hands down over what a thousand scoffing vekteks would be accomplishing who immediately begin to scoff whenever the Holy Spirit moves. If i want to go into battle against the demonic realm, i want team ihop fighting with me, not team vektek because they are holy warriors and you are not. This goes for Bethel Redding too. Neither church is perfect, but i endorse both because they are two of the most Holy Spirit filled churches in this nation and i reject and renounce your false teachings and your alignment against the kingdom of holiness which i strongly believe are demonically fueled. If Jesus Himself were here today and looked different, teaching and performing a sea of miracles, you would scoff at Him too and call Him the antichrist believing you were doing a great service to the body of Christ. Such is the level to which you have become deceived. If you want to be set free from the enemy's stronghold in your life, i am here to help you.