Re: Blastocystis & Systemic Candida - does anyone have atrophy and severe reactions to starch?
>I would like to know if anyone else is suffering from some type of parasite, or Blasto., that is causing them to atrophy and to be unable to tolerate starches, without further atrophy...and have you been able to find a resolution?
Which lab have you tested? How did you find out you have blasto? Some experienced Tropical Disease Drs don't think Blasto is pathogenic. It's possible you have another killer protozoa like entamoeba histolytica. What is your location? The only lab that has worked for me in US has been Dr Kevin Cahills lab in NYC. However the best lab I have used is Labion in Brazil.
Some people like Shrimpy (curezone user) have been diagnosed with Blasto but it turned out that he also had entamoeba histolytica which was probably the major cause of his problems.
I personalty don't know if blasto is pathogenic or not. IIRC I have read that there are different types of blasto.
You might want to see Cahill in NYC, there are a number of users in the
forum and some here that got a diagnosed from Cahill.
All the best
Disclaimer: Like most people here, I'm not a doctor or health care professional. My posts are for informational purposes only.