My thanks to everyone for their replies. I am reading them. Have been ill and going to docs everyday.
Update: I heard back from the Australian CDD. There standard formula includes sulpha drugs, which I am allergic to. They provided me an alternate 3 drug cocktail list, and I am waiting to hear back what the success rate is of this mix, in terms of eliminating blasto.
Shrimpy -- I am definitely doing further investigating. Thank you. I live in Canada where they are doing a second set of ova and
parasite tests (the original set identified blasto). Because the most serious issues I have are wasting away/weight loss and atrophy, as well as neuropathy (lack of feeling in limbs), the GI specialist believes I may have Whipples Disease, a rare bacteria that is pathonegic, very serious, but can be treated by
Antibiotics . So, I will be doing the test for that.
What also came up in a hair test is toxic levels of arsenic. So I am doing further heavy metal testing in my body. Arsenic can also cause neuropathy issues.
This week I started a TCM formula to treat parasites, specifically blasto, as I have a history of not responding well to pharmaceuticals, but will definitely go that route if this formula doesn't work.
Here is a quote, which I believe I got from curezone:
...."An important influence was the study In vitro response of Blastocystis hominis against traditional Chinese Medicine conducted by the Department of Parasitology, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, P.R.C.. In this study of 20 crude extracts of Chinese herbals, the extracts of Coptis chinensis [Huang Lian] and Brucea javanica [Ya Dan Zi] were found to be most active against B. hominis."...
My TCM doctor has 35 years of experience, is Chinese and identified a third herb as well that can help eradicate blasto. It is called Bai tou weng.
Because blasto can build up a resistance to treatment, I am alternating a formula:
5 days of herbal tea (made from raw herbs from my TCM doctor) of Huang Lian and Bai Tou Weng
followed by 5 days of Ya Dan Zi extract gel caps.
I was not able to tolerate the full dose of the first 2 herbs as I had a lot of die off symptoms (headache, nausea, diarrhea). Yesterday I started a half dose of the Ya Dan Zi. Today my hips/joints are burning up, which I am hoping is something dying off. Also lose stool.
To support me in the process, my naturopath has me on:
15 grams L-glutamine daily (AOR Brand)
powdered mineral mix (Cal/Mag etc) (Google Alpha OMX)
10 grams pure amino acids (Google Alpha AAX - great product! I do not work for them)
Alpha Lipoic Acid and Biotin.
In early morning and before bed (several hours apart from when I take the TCM anti-
parasite herbs) I split 75 billion pro biotics - Xymogen brand.
What I believe has really help curb the diarrhea the last two days is Xmogen brand B. Saccharomycin DF - used widely in Europe. A probiotic you take with food.
I realize that the anti-fungals will kill the pro-biotics, but my naturopath says take them any way - just as far apart from the anti-fungals as I can, to support the gut in the process.
So...that is where I am at today.
I will keep you all updated with my progress, diagnoses and treatment. I would sure love to get better and be able to share what worked for me and help others.