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Re:Help with fasting detox symptoms or am I unable?READ LINK
Hi VonBingen!
I read about your acidic urine problem while you do a fast.
I have read a lot about urine therapy. I want to quote a part one of my readings:
``Ingest only your own freshly voided urine. Normally urine is light yellow, clear and sterile, especially if collected mid-stream, but during reactions it may become offensive and cloudy. When ingesting a large part of your urine you should check to make sure that it is not too acid. The morning urine normally is slightly acid, but during the day it should be slightly alkaline.
You can buy litmus or pH paper from a chemist. Litmus paper is red when dipped into an acid solution and blue when alkaline, neutral or pH 7 is in between both colours. With pH paper you get a colour chart to compare. If the urine remains acid during the day, which usually happens with allergies and a weak
Sugar metabolism or if eating much fruit, then take 1/2 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate once or several times daily in water, but not within 3 hours after meals, until the urine remains alkaline during the day.``
So it says some examples when could be your urine acidic under a fast.
I give you the site link if you want to read the whole thing.
This part is under the urine fast chapter.