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Re: Problem with Pantethine Complex. Anyone else?
Faith110 Views: 3,849
Published: 13 y
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Re: Problem with Pantethine Complex. Anyone else?


Yes it was a weird reaction. I really haven't had any fatigue lately, and I can drive again, clean my house, cook my meals etc. To most this doesn't sound like much, but for me it's huge! Last month I could barely get to the bathroom without feeling like I was going to have a heart attack.

My biggest complaint is still the hypoglycemia and that looming feeling of being wired and tense. I get headaches on and off and some brain fog. But my energy level is pretty good. Not running marathons yet, but functioning. The anxiety is gone THANK GOD!!

I'm taking that stuff back to the vitamin shoppe. I hated how it made me feel. I eat brown rice very regularly (which has alot of B's naturally) and I also do brown rice lecithin in my lipo C (more B's). So I think I will stick to whole food sources.

Even my mother who is very healthy and has perfectly fine adrenals says that B supplements make her feel strange too.


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