Evidenced that American Doctors Know Nothing About Parasites
So, I went to the CDC's website and they were defending American doctors saying that they actually DO know about parasites. They claimed that it was a myth that American doctors don't know anything about parasites.
Well, all I have to say is this:
1. If your doctor only ran one stool sample on you, then he isn't even following the most basic protocol for detecting parasites. Ask any doctor from a third world country such as in South America if one stool sample is enough to detect
parasites and they will give you a definite "NO!" Proper protocol according to them would be anywhere from 4-10 stool samples and even then the
parasite can go undetected, so the testing should be repeated later.
2. Also, proper protocol calls for an antigen test of your blood, specific for parasites.
3. If your doctor did not perform 4-10 stool samples and also a blood test for parasitic antigens, then you have not been properly tested by your doctor.
4. Also, I learned that even if the American doctor does do his job correct, that the labs here in America only test for a very small percentage of all of the
parasites known to exist. If you have one of these
parasites that the labs in America don't test for, you are screwed. All of this information came from a couple of real doctors in South America who treat parasitic infection regularly.
4. I don't know why American doctors seem to think that one stool sample is all that is needed, they need to get properly trained! They need to talk to a few foreign doctors from third world countries and get educated!
5. Americans are suffering and the insanity needs to stop!