Re: F165 nerve damage help please
you will not get relief until you get rid of the parasites/pathogens causing this and I guarantee you a 100% these are pathogen-caused issues
you can use f165 non-stop, especially if you use the SC-1A, scalar device, here called "magic bean"
what you are experiencing is a reaction to f165/script you did run kill of some pathogens
the only way to get better is to continue the treatments
of course you can do anything that would support your system to get less reactions from the treatments - read more on this forum to find some things that helped others but be aware that everybody is an unique individual and different things work for different people so essentially you need to find on your own what works best for you
this type of treatment is the best, but as anything else, brings with it many things that you need to deal with and most importantly it takes time to eliminate layers of stuff that very likely were accumulating in the body for years
in any case - don't worry, you'll get better for sure eventually, just need to survive the "bad times" and hope for better which will come for sure