You posted in that thread of "too much bile acids may aggravate the lining of the gut" back in the day uh?
Yeah I get that sometimes with coffee enemas as well. Not with fatty foods. Probiotics and something to support digestion, even a chinese formula for rising spleen qi will help. I have no doubt that at least in my case constipation was/is (im not cured) caused by lack of good flora/dysbiosis and impaired digestion (hypochlorhydria, lack of bile or pancreatic enzymes defficiencicy). Simply because of the dramatic change when I take a digestive aid, in colour, hardness and frequency of BMs. And when I started the kefir the laxative effect was quick.
Ultimately parasites,candida and chronic infections are on target and need to be adressed. Plus repair the damage done by heavy metals and detox them.