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Carb rehab
hotswap Views: 2,471
Published: 13 y

Carb rehab

I know Anthony will have a field day with this post......

It's quite possible I have destroyed my metabolism with long term low carb. In terms of intestinal distress, it did provide me with the most relief (although I was never able to resolve issues whilst low carb) and having minimal/no irritation from fiber/starch/fruit etc helped my constipation.

Due to a chemical exposure (gave me chemical sensitivity) and an adverse reaction to an asthma inhaler (seizure) I was no longer stable with low carb and began to experience severe panic attacks, shortness of breath and electrolyte imbalance. I'm not bed bound with fatigue, but my adrenals 'feel' fried manifesting as a throbbing ache over my lower back.

My liver has always been a prominent problem, and I feel has a direct correlation to my chemical sensitivity. I have upper right quadrant ache fairly constantly.

The problem is I can't digest any carbs at all. They all contribute to either constipation or fermentation. Those that are easier to digest such as white rice and juices just reawaken my hypoglycemia.

I've tried HCL and ox bile to little effect. I'm wondering if my focus should be on more liver sups however I don't feel my body has the 'energy' to detox or even get back to a normal routine of bowel movements. I'm notoriously bad with all supplements due to poor liver clearance, which includes all the adrenal supplements.

Has anyone overcome a similar dilemma? What carbs/supplements did you use? As a minimum I need to shoot for being out of ketosis.



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