Re: A little wit needed here
So you're saying that you went to the doctor with a pain in the neck (and shoulders) and ended up with a pain in the neck (and shoulders) as well as one in your nether end where your wallet is located. All to familiar. You know, they do call it the "practice" of medicine.
And he wants to send you to a similarly qualified colleage to let them take a shot? Reminds me on one of the many old sayings/quotes I have collected:
“One doctor, singly like the sculler plies, The patient struggles, and by inches dies; But two physicians, like a pair of oars, Waft him right swiftly to the Stygian shores.”
- Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas
Divine Weekes and Workes--First Week--Sixth Day (l. 1,018)
or maybe this one, on a lighter note:
“Orthodox medicine has not found an answer to your complaint. However, lucky for you, I happen to be a quack.”
- Richter cartoon caption