Re: A little wit needed here
Nothing works better Raynbo against fibromyalgia than Vitamin D3 and the ideal blood levels are 50–70 ng/mL.
We receive about 20,000ius from full-body sun-exposure, so supplementing (in the absence of sunlight) is highly recommended. Mostly everyone is deficient to some degree in this hormone-precursor than just about anything else, (except iodine perhaps) as food sources are minimal.
The RDI for this Vitamin is a paltry 800ius daily for men and 600ius for women, which flies in the face of all the science in recent years. Toxicity is not an option unless you take 50,000ius per day for many many months. I would also obtain a serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D measurement to ascertain your current blood levels.
I take liquid D3 from Life-Extension which comes in 2000ius per droplet, so 12 drops per day in a cold drink would be fine: it is relatively inexpensive.
At that dose I would give it up to 2 to 3 months to work effectively, depending on your current blood-levels, which are bound to be low and therefore creating a deficiency.