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Re: ANXIETY!!!! What are you taking?
SeattleK Views: 2,920
Published: 13 y
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Re: ANXIETY!!!! What are you taking?

Hi Lalo! Hang in there, we just have to ride the rollercoaster for awhile. Few tips from me:

1. Sugar/caffeine will make it worse.
2. Stress will make it worse
3. GABA, calc/mag, seriphos, trazadone, meditation, all make it a tiny bit better for me, none are a cure all
4. It helps me to keep reminding myself that anxiety comes and goes based on my physical health. My emotions lie to me, so I try not to listen to them. Anxiety can be part of a healing reaction too, obviously many times its not as well. Its comforting for me to try to keep these at my fore thoughts.

Yet, I still have anxiety frequently, its really challenging. It has gotten better though. Glandulars gave me really bad anxiety too so you could experiment with eliminating certain foods or supplements. Sometimes we focus too much on the psycological component; but if you are having a histamine driven adrenal reaction for example, even things like meditating and EFT probably won't fix it.


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