Re: Andreas Moritz has died:(
I hear you and yet I have this to say: That while a sick person may not be apt to post at 5AM on the internet, a person doesn't have to feel sick to die of a heart attack, an aneurism, a punctured colon from a
colonic gone awry—or, i hate to say it—a suicide (which I doubt he did)...
There are many things that can happen. Unfortunately, someone whom I knew recently passed from cancer. He seemed just fine a few days earlier, standing for a long time talking to me in his house!
I don't know why it happened so suddenly but it did. I told his wife he had seemed so vibrant, eyes sparkling, lots of energy...the only noticeable thing was that he had lost weight. But the vibrancy in his face and personality and ability to stand and socialize for long periods of time was there until the end!
I didn't ask her why or how it happened so suddenly but I'm guessing that the cancer caused organ failure of some kind. It was so shocking since I had JUST seen him!
I told his wife that I thought he was going to be around for lot longer. She said she thought so, too....
So...not everyone who is ill seems ill...and it can happen fast, G-D forbid.
Wishing everyone here excellent health and long life!