You just described in a nutshell how I feel almost every other day. I want to scream at the top of my lungs because the world doesn't understand. I feel like a drowning amoeba in a universe of spinning problems. I had a cheeseburger from McDonalds the other day for the first time in eons and heaven dropped down from the sky from the forst bite! I'm glad you enjoyed your cannoli because we need these cheats once in a while to feel some normalcy and keep up with the world of the living. I see all the carefree people out there like I USED to be once upon a time and I have to fight feelings of envy over the health that most of them take for granted. It wouldn't be so bad if they understood one iota of what we go through from day to day but they dont and never will unless God forbid they end up with some horrific problem.
We all have good days fact GREAT days so lets hang on those and keep moving forward!!!!