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Re: Feeling quite shitty
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Published: 13 y
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Re: Feeling quite shitty

So true Blistering Fate! We all do have irreversible damage and I for one am tired of (trying to) live in a bubble! We all have heavy metal poisoning, parasites, candida, mental problems, and whatever else goes along with it!

After the most stressful day beginning at 7 am at ANOTHER hospital for MORE tests (and being told it's gonna be another $2500 for these tests!) I blew another fuse! I know I am going to regret it later on tonight when my adrenaline stops pumping but I could no longer hold in the frustration. I literally ripped some of my hair out and freaked my mother out so bad! Poor thing, she was ready to call the men in white coats on me!

I'm ok now, but I'm sure you all can relate to that feeling of being damned no matter what you do. You take HC for low adrenals, you feed candida. You take the antifungals to kill candida you exhaust the fragile adrenals etc etc. It's a vicious cycle!!

Needless to say, today after my hospital and hair pulling experience I decided to take the big f*ck it pill for the day and enjoy my favorite dessert on earth- a cannoli! Ohhhhh it's been over a year since I've had anything but meat and 5 vegetables and let me tell you it was ahhhhmazinggggg! But now I am paying for it with cramps and internal tremors as big old sugary gluten bombs tend to do. But it was so worth it!!!

Gonna take my lefty-democratic-sugar eating self and finish making my boring old veggie soup now. Thanks for the laugh Blistering Fate! You and the cannoli saved my day :)


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