Credentials of one Co-Author
Galen Daryl Knight, Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Texas
some of his stuff:
Galen has been doing health research in various areas of interest for more than 30 years, having spent large portions of his career i) identifying the true iodinating system in the thyroid that probably produces thyroid hormone and ii) elucidating new ways in which cholesterol biosynthesis is regulated, and iii) elucidating what causes cancer and non-toxic ways of preventing and treating it. Cancer and heart disease (caused for the most part by very similar nutritional and immunological deficiencies, and toxic environmental factors) kill 68% of the Americans that die every year. Thyroid imbalances, also resulting from perturbations in these same factors, can result in a variety of health problems, including poor assimilation and utilization of food, poor thermal regulation, imbalances in enzymes and protein, and even neurological and "emotional" problems such as delirium, schizophrenia, hallucinations, mania, seizures, and anxiety.
Galen may be the only person who has chemically synthesized all of the authentic, exemplary compounds for the beta-alethine and vitaletheine modulator technologies. Consequently, he was and is intrinsically involved in i) theories developed before his employment at UNM ii) creating new theories and approaches to the treatment of disease, iii) identifying and purifying novel biologically active compounds, iv) working out the protocols for chemically synthesizing them, v) making them, vi) definitively establishing their chemical structures, vii) identifying appropriate biological assays for studying these types of compounds, and viii) testing the biological activities of these synthetic compounds in a variety of tumor, cell culture, and cell-free (test tube) biological assays.
As part of his efforts to help develop these technologies, Galen i) conducted most of the prior art searches in the chemical literature and in much of the patent literature before any patent applications were filed, ii) drafted large portions of the patent applications, and iii) formulated most of the
Science behind the generic structures for the original patent applications, such as that resulting in US 5,370,868. He also drafted scientific manuscripts that were later published in back-to-back papers in the November 1, 1994, issue of the prestigious scientific journal, Cancer Research, and responded to office actions for filed patent applications when requested.
Galen has been listed as inventor on more than a hundred patents and applications, world-wide, on the beta-alethine and vitaletheine modulator technologies and is the author of most of a web site devoted to the study and dissemination of information about these and other inexpensive, non-toxic, nutritional, environmental, and immunotherapeutic approaches to the treatment and elimination of disease.
VitaleTherapeutics, Inc.'s Web Site (copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006),
Knight, G. D. In: Pitfalls in Synthesizing Vitaletheine Modulators and associated links.
Ramos, S. M., O'Donnell, L. S., Knight, G. 1999. Edema volume, not timing, is the key to success in lymphedema treatment. Am. J. Surg., 178: 311-315.
Knight, G. D., Laubscher, K. H., Fore, M. L., Clark, D. A., and Scallen, T. J. 1994. Vitalethine modulates erythropoiesis and neoplasia. Cancer Res., 54: 5623-5635.
Knight, G. D., Mann, P. L., Laubscher, K. H., and Scallen, T. J. 1994. Seemingly diverse activities of beta-alethine. Cancer Res., 54: 5636-5642.
Johnson, K. A., Morrow, C. J., Knight, G. D., and Scallen, T. J. 1994. In vivo formation of 25-hydroxycholesterol from endogenous cholesterol after a single meal, dietary cholesterol challenge. J. Lipid. Res., 35(12): 2241-2253.
Knight, G. D., and Scallen, T. J. Use of vitaletheine modulators in the prophylaxis and treatment of disease. US Patent Application.
Knight, G. D. Resolution and reconstitution of the NADPH-dependent tyrosyl- peptide iodinating activity from porcine thyroid tissue. In: Dissertation. Austin, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, 1982. See note added in proof:
The significance of these works is that they establish a novel mechanism for control of virtually every metabolic pathway in the body. Most proteins, peptides, and enzymes i) have L-cysteine residues that stabilize, while also ii) regulating the metabolism of these substances through interactions with small-molecular-weight sulfur-containing compounds thereby influencing their biological activities. Such insights enable a different approach to the treatment of disease, one that capitalizes upon the subtle effects of modulating a number of nutritional and other factors that together, through their synergism, cause a greatly enhanced response from the various amplifying enzyme cascades within our bodies. The hydroxycholesterol work is highly significant, because this artifact occurs in processed food products, probably via oxidation through a 24,25-epoxide, that is inherently toxic to thiol compounds such as vitaletheine and that have been shown to poison cancer-fighting immune responses. The identification of other environmental factors that poison these regulatory pathways establishes an integrative approach for identifying environmental and nutritional causes of disease and of new ways for intervening metabolically and immunologically to address these underlying causes.