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Re: step by step and elovera cream
Healing2021 Views: 8,092
Published: 13 y
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Re: step by step and elovera cream

For those doing Psoriasis treatments, you have to do it longer than 2-3 weeks. I used the most aggressive Psoriasis treatment available and my doctor said that the earliest I would see results is 2-3 weeks.

So if you trying to treat it with aloe vera (which I think is kind of pointless, sorry), then its going to take MUCH longer.

If your serious about treating those conditions JSL, why dont you try something systemic like Cyclosporine. Your always talking about how youd be willing to risk everything, and its ridiculous that others won't, but so far you havent really taken any risks. I mean your trying to treat Psoriasis and eczema with aloe vera.

And as far as you saying, "I think once the right treatment comes it will work no matter if you peel or if you dont peel. skin heals from underneath". That doesnt really make sense. Because the only way the skin would need to heal is if its a wound, and if does need to heal then, even though it does heal from underneath, if your contantly tearing skin off then your constantly causing more damage.


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