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Re: step by step and elovera cream
Healing2021 Views: 7,878
Published: 13 y
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Re: step by step and elovera cream

Yeah JSL,

I really dont think that its any of those for me.

For you, its very possible. I mean for a while I truly believed that what I had was psoriasis, but I treated it with the most aggressive Psoriasis medication POSSIBLE. So my doctors are quite certain that this is not the case for me.

It seems as though most of the people we hear about lately are those getting cured by wound healing/using moisturizer and allowing to heal. And these are all lip biters, so thats truly what I think it is.

I am now following the first derm I spoke to, who is the only one who definitively said she knew what this was from the beginning and didnt waffle like other derms I saw. I should have listened to her from the beginning but she is in Florida so it was a little harder.

Again based on my treatments and tests, my doctors and I are positive its not Psoriasis or eczema. If it was then more people would be treated and more things would indicate these conditions in people's tests and treatments.


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