any normal persons lips goes like those little flakey things if they keeped their lips completely dry for a few weeks. Its normal! i dont think you guys realise but lips dont actually have there own mechanism of keeping lubricated and moist. This is what the head derms of the hospital told me. thats why alot of people suffer from dry lips. Most people give the lips relief from their daily water intake, showering and also the odd lick of the lips. and the rest actually moisturize the lips with a balm. iv said it so many times but there are billions of people that apply moisturizers to their lips daily. its completely normal especially if you live in a dry or cold climate.
i also got those tiny flakes spread while keeping the lips dry and so did alot of people thats not the begining stages of ec in my opinion. if it then i odnt think we would all still have ec. because it simply goes away with showering and water.