Re: Wormwood is a herb created by the devil. Beware.
Artemesia? I use this herb and get the feelings you do. I feel as if my emotions are the way yours are. I also have chronic lyme disease and coinfections/parasites, all stemming from a deer tick 7 years ago. I'm 24.
You might want to look into lyme disease, borrelia burgdorferi, as your culprit? 100+ strains in the US, and is 90% under reported. Only 10% of cases are reported to CDC due to strict guidelines and inconsistent lab work.
Best way to see if you have this bug, is you may see the spirochetes "floating" in your vision at times. Get on google, research how to build yourself a Dark Field Microscope. Fairly easily can be done. Once you do this, examine your own blood under the microscope and if you have lyme, or any coinfections you will see it moving around in your blood.