Re: My mom has breast cancer please help
MH, the master herbalist, often repeats the phrase: “one cure, cures all” regarding disease and ill-health. He can be found here at the
Ask Barefoot Herbalist Forum . If your mother is seriously refusing chemotherapy and seeks solid information on herbs and juice-fasting this is a place she must research.
MH's moto "one cure, cures all" means that the root cause of disease can be eliminated by abiding by the Laws of Nature instead of going against it.
If you seek to “obey nature” you can rest assure that nature will always guide you towards the truth. If you obey man, more often than not, you will discover their agenda doesn’t always have your best interest at heart as they profit at your expense. As the bible states:
“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” — Genesis 1:29
The problem we have in discovering the truth to health is: western medicine will help you manage the just the symptoms and achieve only a temporary result. On the other extreme, with naturopathic care you end up moving from one fad to the next because it is popular or seems appealing. The problem with following the hype is, you end up wasting thousands and thousands of dollars on each and every method without seeing any long-term benefit.
As you come to follow the middle path, between western medicine and naturopathic remedies, you can begin to achieve results once you KNOW the protocols for health. When you experience real health for the first time it becomes your solid foundation for life and you can NEVER be fooled again by any scam artist. No doubt the majority of people will be critical towards you but no one can change your mind once you have known the truth because it is self-evident. Let them have their opinion. These simple truths are based on common sense.
Achieving results on the OJ fast are as follows:
14 days gives you 5X more new red blood cells
21 days will repair and regenerate all new organs
40 days allows the skin to expel their hidden acids
Have her do the proper research and if it runs in your family then good luck to you both in your journey towards health with preventative care.
For more condensed information based on my research and self-experimenting you can click here on my site as well: