My mom has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and in september she had a radical mastectomy with lymph nodes removed. She refused chemotherapy and is taking organic approach in treatment. She had a port inserted this past monday and was suppose to start chemo on friday. My mom went to see Solomon Wickey this past tuesday. She was prescribed herbs and the diet. I am not sure if she is taking the right approach or if there is anything else she is suppose to do. I have never been around anyone with cancer and now the closest person to me has of. My mom is 55 yes old and she deserves to live and be a grandma someday. I am also affraid with this diet my mom might get really weak since now she weights 130lbs. Can someone please share your recipes while being on this diet? I have also heard of a plant fagonia cretica that grows in Pakistan that os known to kill cancer cells in Breast Cancer patients; just having difficulties obtaining it. Please help if u have any suggestions please share. Thank you..Violet