Re: The Book by MH
I totally disagree to your comment. Those books are not printed in Thailand. If you look closely at the back cover, you may find a small printing like "For sale in India, Pakistan only". The quality is bad and I still keep some copies. In Thailand, there are less than a handful of English readers and there is not market comparing with India that use English as second language. India has no choice, there are over hundred languages with different writing and diaects so every Indian has to learn and communicate in English. With over a billion population in the India sub continent, the market is big and they have everything copied paperbacks, textbooks. They've gone so far, I even have a copy of the extened version of "Gone with the Wind" of course, not writen by Margaret Mitchell.
If you get your book printed in U.S.A., you may find that the min. quantity needed is high. In Thailand you may require a lower number so investment is cheaper besides cost and raw mat here is cheaper, a ream (500 sheets) A4 paper may cost you US$2.7, a photocopy service charge $0.01/page., min. offical rate for unskilled labor is US$10/day and a experienced printer may earn 3 times over this rate.
I'm comfortable with my decent income and do not want anything out of this. Just to help for the sake of 'laboring' one book for health concious people. To a Budhist like me-the knowledge contribution wins the highest merit of all.