Re: Speaking of sleep...Paramin
This is not the first person that has some kind of problems with sleep that I see takes DIM and feels better. And casually thats the best product for it, Enzimathic Threapy. You are very lucky, I tried the bad one and wasted my money when I had it lol
I have high estradiol and estriol in blood tests and I am certain DIM would help me sleep and greatly in the sexua| area. They say high estradiol can cause the hangovers I have at mornings. Guys, if you are copper toxic, you are estrogen dominant and DIM will help most likely than not. I dont know yet if im very copper toxic (I am according to the hair test) but my blood tests showed 45-60 of estradiol when the normal in a male should be 20. Plus I have all the symptoms of high estradiol, one of them being bad sleep.
I just need to get rich and start buying a lot of things that I know would help me!!! Even paying a reflexologist! Oh the irony, have the knowledge but not the money, opposite than one year ago...