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Food intolerances/allergies, maybe more important that you would thought
Blistering Fate Views: 1,741
Published: 13 y

Food intolerances/allergies, maybe more important that you would thought

Just letting you guys know about my personal experience with food allergies and how important can be doing seriously an Elimination Diet or if lucky working with someone experienced in the field.

As I have been ill and in the boards for quite some time, the asseveration of Onwards that food allergies are as important in the recovery as making sure you have no parasites or doing NB or other form of metal detox wasnt surprising for me. However, my food journal doesnt reflects this acquired wisdom so clearly as we can see:

I have leaky gut and many food intolerances in my IgG test.

Today I had for first time in months, a day of continous pelvic pain. 8 hours of penis sharp pain and difuse pain all around urinary tract, perineum, butt... I had this in July the 15th until 30th (not every day, but like 5 during that period) and those days I already suspected food allergies . I cut then dairy, horchata, honey, maybe some more thing, I was desperate. Pain AT THAT LEVEL dissapeared until today. So I looked at my food diary. Aha! This last 10 days have been of cheats and offensive eating! I had a chocolate bun 3 days ago, I have been eating Manuka Honey for 4 days now, and 7 days ago I ate a good portion of feta cheese with lots of dehydrated fruits (which caused me an IBS night and the worse smelling gas of my live, toxic pollution lol), 5 days ago ate chickpeas and potatoes and half a dozen of multigrain cookies. I have been eating too much fruit also, but I dont think fruit can cause this kind of inflammation, whereas gluten or beans are heavily reported by CPPS or prostatitis sufferers as common triggers. I have also been eating grains since around two weeks.

I remember having penis pain also from cashews and other day from eating out in a chinese (soy! GLUTEN!!... RAT MEAT!!!) lol

So my body its telling me something with this horrible, humiliating suffering in that area. You are eating something inflammatory, body owner and caretaker. Plus since a week my nose eczema worsened obviously.

So I have decided to go into the GARD diet, which its basically Paleo (I know, this is hilarious) but I wont keep carbs low but HIGH. I WANT TO GET TO AT LEAST 140 pounds AND STAY THERE! Sweet potatoes all the way! haha. When I said Paleo was dead wrong I was meaning the low-carb idea of Paleo. I am living proof very low carb will cause awful looking bodies.

Additionally I am backing off peas and green beans for now. I just added then back some days ago and they are suspicious, because they are legumes, as so are the grains. All of them need to go for a while, say two weeks. Then I will reintroduce one of the suspected foods for a week or two and see how I do.

I will first reintroduce grains. I will miss you quinoa! I think you are not the culprit but things happen that way and I need to make sure!

I probably have had more symptoms of food intolerances that I cannot isolate because I have been feeling like shit for years now haha-ha.

PD: It could be that the worsened eczema and the pain are NB detox symptoms but since everything points to dietary causes I want to do the elimination diet.


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