Re: Still cold after high dosing iodine
Are you sleeping well? Poor sleep messes up my "feeling" of warmth and I may end up feeling colder than usual.
Coffee tends to make me feel "cold" too after it wears off.
Moving the body is important, I move mine everyday - A LOT.
Never did lugols, only
SSKI and magnascent. I still do
SSKI , barely any magnascent. The magnascent made me feel cold initially,
SSKI made me feel warm. I also pulse dose, meaning don't take it everyday.
I've modified my own diet to whatever I want, except wheat, corn, soy, and GMOs. If I do eat any of it, I try to RARELY do it - if at all. Kind of like if you're out of town and there's no way to get to good, healthy food.
I didn't notice a B-complex (active/organic/natural), do you take any?