A coffee retention enema needs to stay in the rectum and sigmoid section of the large intestine. A regular hard nozzle should be inserted for 3 to 4 inches, a soft colon tube could go in 6 to 8 inches to deliver the fluid directly to the sigmoid section by passing the rectum to help with retention.
I do two enemas back to back (one after the other) of 2 cups each, once a day. I have done this for a few weeks also for several months. For serious detoxing I would consider doing for a period of at least one year plus doing other therapies. I would not add anything else to the coffee except for Epsom Salts for a deep coffee retention enema. See my blog listed below.
I have found that taking these coffee enemas for several weeks before, enhances the OO/GF liver flush.
I hope this info helps. Refer to my blog, titled “My challenge” link below.