Re: help with enema from experienced detoxers (Candida, heavy metals, etc)
Hope this helps some. Only distilled water & organic coffee.
I add nothing, no soda/salt, but I usually do a plain or
Sea Salt
enema first. I lube w/either e v coconut oil-e v oo-org butter.
tip all the way.
I hold water only a few min.
I hold coffee(no more thank 2 c) 12-15 min.
I did CE's daily for 2.5 yrs. Occasionally 2-3 daily, but rarely.
I now do 1-2 a wk. Am 3 mos into bioidentical hormone
replacement, adrenevive use for adrenal fatigue.
I feel great energy, appetite down, weight is down, less craving.
When I embarked on my quest for health, 3 yrs ago, I was
a shambles, inside & out. I can hardly believe I'm the same lady!
Get on into it, it not only gets better, it gets great.