Married 10 years and over last 4 years or so my wife and her son have decided I have no place in our home. We have two children from our marriage and there's been a huge favoritism toward her oldest son from a previous marriage. He's now 17 and literally out of control which she will never admit to. Most recently it's become physical and she's made it completely clear she will always defend him even when wrong. He's been suspended multiple times from school, has no respect for any authority and also dominates my children which my wife allows. In each case when I exercise my right as a father or the man of this family they both literally team up and explode. Everything from the verbal to her constant threats of leaving and calling the police to have me removed. I have NEVER raised my hands to my family though she does anything she can to provoke it. I've been beaten by her, the usual throw anything she can at me, black eyes, bruised and bloodied. Never did I call for help, I was raised in a family where you take care of it at home. Now, this past week her son finally for the 3rd time raised his hands but right in front of her pinned me to the floor and absolutely pummeled the back of my head while all I saw was flashes of light. All the while she's yelling you deserve it. Then when I got up and announced that's it I have to leave here SHE calls 911 which in short blew right up in their faces when the police inevitably arrested her son for 3rd degree assault. Now he's still here and under a protection order yet STILL they continue the abuse verbally. My question is....other than the obvious calling police how does a man take control of a situation like this in which there is none. I've never been exposed to people like this in my life, only seen it on TV. If anyone's been in similar situation please tell me how you handled it....Thanks