you ever have those times when you just want to break down...I think that time is coming for me. After six months of effort, the skin is still building up in the same spots, albeit slower than it used to, but it's still building up regardless. I'm about to dive in like JSL and hit it with everything I can...although I know that's probably not the best option for me at the moment. I'm just really upset tonight. I feel like everything the past six months was a waste to be completely honest. I could have been living my life, working a different job...doing something I actually enjoy, going to school this semester. I could have been dating people. Instead I've just been curled up in this apartment with my self-outings to the grocery store or a bike ride down the trail. This is the prime of my adult life, and I want to be enjoying it....
I just needed to vent. I'm going to wait and see what my doctor recommends next week...