So sorry to hear you're not feeling better at this point. 3 years seems like such a long time. I was feeling the same way at 3 years, heck even a couple months ago (I'm 4 1/2 yrs). Have you weaned yet? I was FB'ing with Karita and she pointed out that breastfeeding suppresses both estrogen and progesterone. And I ran across an article that bfeeding is actually harder on your body than pregnancy! I've been cutting back on it with my little one, hoping to wean slowly. I'm worried about any sudden changes to my body. I added an extra vitamin D and fish oil, and have been more consistent in taking my vitamin C. Also, I've been running 2-3 times per week training for a 5k, and that seems to help me feel good. If I go too many days without it, I start to feel crappy again. Don't know why, although I remember reading that a lot of cardio burns up excess estrogen, maybe helping my progesterone/estrogen balance? Also, it helps me to get extra sleep, even naps, when I feel like crap. I know that's hard with a baby in the house :)
Hope you start to feel better soon - you deserve it!