19 y
Re: whining is a factor of ones perspective
no, I guess you couldn't have said it better yourself, otherwise you would have...
"who wants yo consume their own waste?' we go...
well, you might start with considering that you do that all the time, breathing, esp. if you are not in the open sair. (let's not go into consuming others' waster, courtesy various big comp. and gov't.'s)
Please consider also that you consume "your own waste" when you recirculate your poisons, be they sub-sized "particulate matter" (so-called, and thank you
especially, Bush!)or whatever is in your body, unless you are one of the few here who are pristine.
For the love of God, please go and read something (INDEPTH) on the subject.
We are no longer debating UT, but rather trying to move on to the principles
of opennness.(as they realte to wholeness) the umbrell, if you will, that's a bit bigger than excalmations of disgust based on misconception...
There is a UT debate forum, don't forget.