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dogbert04 Views: 1,898
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 198,294


Like you I simply state an opinion.

I actually agree, MH can come across as very concrete in his views. While most of us find great value in people who are not blown by every wind that comes by, MH does have his points of flexibility.

I believe that after reading his stuff, a fair amount of it (as you contend we need to do with UT... Or was that another?) I find MH to actually do a lot of things we all do. He appears most of the time to take the 'non human food' and other sides of what he does here very inflexibly. He has good reason. And that is what most of us need.

Anyhow, I stand by what I posted as much as you. I just don't agree with you. I don't expect you to necessarily agree with me. So what. That's what it's all about.

Good opinion to you.



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