Re: what happened to the has Curezone Gone too far thread?
Woosh. Gone!
Where did it go? Perhaps swept under the collective rug of It Didn't Happen, but History has recorded it, it's still out there floating around in the Ether, the Akashic or however you may consider the great cosmic collective consciousness of everything that ever was. To put it in the terms of George Carlin, it's like Voozsha Day, ya know?, when you get that peculiar sense that, somehow, none of this has ever happened before.
As for what you missed, well, this seems to be flirting with yet another story to destined for under the rug ;) At first glance my inclination is to say that you did not miss much - To Drink Of One's Self, Or Not, That Was The Question, but upon closer inspection there was perhaps a lot more than what met the eye as revealed by the nuance of the blow-by-blow details, an endeavor I'll leave for others to provide. Alert to rug master - ready your sweeper.