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Re: day 4 attacking a virus!!!!
Healing2021 Views: 1,122
Published: 13 y
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Re: day 4 attacking a virus!!!!

Yeah I think its a good idea to not use that much. You should just apply it for 3 days and then let it do its thing, like Lilo. Especially since yours is more potent.

You can always put more on later if you dont think its doing its thing.

But as for it taking 6 weeks, I dont think so. Most of the cases i read about, only took between 1-2 weeks. And they would only apply it 3 days a week, so I think its a good idea for you to use it sparingly.

As for the Cyclosporine, I MIGHT be seeing very minimal progress, but thats being optimistic. The affected area on the inside of my bottom lip has shrunk significantly, and the crusts are a bit thinner. But again thats judging it very optimistically.

Also I have been leaving the crusts alone but they still fall off in about a week, which is weird. But when they come off its still red and raw underneath.

So I honestly dont think this is the answer because In almost ALL cases I have read about Cyclosporine, and from what Ive heard from most doctors, is that if it works, you see MASSIVE improvement very quickly.

So I am excited to try this Topical Imiquimod, especially since it seems to be going well with you. I know it probably stings like hell, but at least it is reacting the right way.

And if this Imquimod is the answer, then this Cyclosporine is pretty much doing the opposite of what I need to do. This is severely suppressing my immune system, whereas the Imiquimod seems to give it a jolt in that localized area.


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