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Re: day 4 attacking a virus!!!!
lilo96 Views: 1,171
Published: 13 y
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Re: day 4 attacking a virus!!!!

The swelling is down tremendously and the gooey crusts are starting to come off like when I accidentally touch it with something, they're soft enough now that they're coming off bit by bit. The rawness on the top lip is much better as all the gunk is done coming out of it, and the skins beginning to heal. The raw skin on the bottom lip will heal quickly once the crusts are completely gone because they had a very fast healing time last time I did this. Its all getting a lot better, and I just tried taking a few pictures before typing this but the lighting is terrible and it doesn't do what I'm trying to show any justice :/ it just shows the redness which you already know I have. and yeah the inflammation will be there for a few days, I would suggest stopping the cream within the next couple days because it sounds like its done needing extra help! Less is more, I haven't applied any zyclara since Monday night and its been on the right track ever since.


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