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Re: Question about Nutritional Balancing for a Beginner
SeattleK Views: 2,599
Published: 13 y
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Re: Question about Nutritional Balancing for a Beginner

It is expensive. save money by buying generic vitamins for simple things like vit.C, taurine etc. but still try to buy quality. Realize that not every single thing is absolutely necessary and just generally be a smart consumer (remember the dr. has an incentive to recommend more rather than less supplements).

That being said this is a good protocol that has helped a lot of people including myself. I am about 9/10 months in and am about 50% better from where I was, and 75% better from my lowest point. This seems more or less about accurate for a lot of other people in this forum. At this point I am toning down my NB program, but still very active in my health and still buying a lot of buying supplements.

From my own experience and other people on the forum it has seemed that the first few months are pretty tough. Then next few months start to see improvement and inside of a year most people have made a lot of progress. That being said there could be lingering health issues you have to find that NB fails to address directly. Good luck.



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