I cannot, for the life of me, understand WHY coffee enemas are touted as such a "wonderful" remedy for people with AF. Coffee contains CAFFEINE, a major stimulant that most of us cannot tolerate via oral route, and those that do will soon end up like me, I used to get myself going in the morning with a cup of coffee (expresso) at home, then more at the office in the morning, and perhaps even another in the afternoon. Then several years later, as I approached menopause but still menstruating, I began getting the hot flashes from hell and discovered that not taking coffee made them go away (that time). FF a few more years when all the stress of my life as a single Mom who moved to another state and couldn't find adequate work) piled up on me I began not being able to tolerate all stimulants and by combining several in one day I had the "panic attack" from hell and ended up in the doctors office the next day, at which time he discovered I was hypothyroid. That was in the year 2000 and that was just the tip of the iceberg, the iceberg was really AF but I just didn't know it.
In '01 I went to a naturopath who at least prescribed something for my adrenals, which was the first recognition to my problem, but she recommended a series of coffee enema and after the 2nd one I ended up in the ER with serious arrythmia, and I couldn't even tell them that I got that massive dose of caffeine by enema as they would think I deserved it or something. Just THINK about it, if orally the caffeine first gets processed by our liver, thus diminishing its intensity, the considerably large amount of coffee used for the enema, in a warm solution, is absorbed very quickly by the portal vein, and I don't know of anyone sensitive to caffeine/stimulants to be crazy enough to down 5 or 6 cups of coffee one right after the other. So PLEASE exercise caution when it comes to this, IMO it's just not worth the risk!