Re: monday going for a detailed check up!!
healing2021 i think you have mis understood what i was trying to say. of course i didnt mean that your father insn't worried about you. im 100% certain he is! im sure all our fathers and mothers are worried and sadden by our conditions.
i was trying to say that i am baffled that he isnt wanting to get involved in your condition. as i thought you stated that he said he doesnt want to get involved with it and has decided to leave it to the other doctors? isnt that what you said? or have i mis understood you?
i just though your father would be a very knowledgable man especially with medical conditions as he is a doctor and would want to get involved and know exactly what is going on with his son etc etc and speak to the doctors and all that.
i apoligise if you thought i was trying to imply something else. i dont like being disrespectful to anyone and i definately wasnt trying to say your father isnt worried about you!
anyways how is your lips doing you said you have seen a bit of difference maybe becasue the drugs are takeing affect let us know!
also i just think if we get admiited into a hospital they can do all the tests and what not at once rather then back and forward 15 minute consultations with doctors and waiting weeks and weeks for results and further tests. thats all!