What on earth did Pin-x do to me? Help!
About 4 weeks ago, I noticed classic pinworm symptoms...biting itch at night time...so decided to use over the counter Pin-x based on my weight.
Three days later, I started having abdominal pain, and just lived through it...but it kept getting worse and worse. 11 days after taking Pin-x I landed in ER with extreme abdominal pain...I thought it was my appendix based on the pain and location or ruptured ovary or something awful. Contrast CAT scan found nothing..just slight amount of blood and crystals in urine. Urology follow up was clear.
Now, I'm suffering with stomach pain and severe gas like symptoms. I can't pin it on anything particular that I eat, but just about everything just leaves me gassy and crampy.
I am not sure what is going on..and if a gastro-doc is next step. I totally associate it with the Pin-x, as I've never had this type of trouble before.
Did I totally mess up my system? I don't know enough to ask intelligent questions, actually. Tried eating yogurt but it hurts, oatmeal hurts, just about everything hurt...and did I mention gas? Just painful all the time. I eat just a little and wait for the pain now.
Where do I even begin to figure out how to get out of this? Anyone else have this sort of reaction? It feels like I dropped a bomb into my gut.