i have met alot of people in the past 15+ years seeking to improve their health, many of them "older" than I. Most of these people have a mouth full of metal, consume metalic vitamins, metalic iodine, silver and a variety of crap they were suc***ed into trying via all the harmful authors on the internet....
Royal Rife and Hulda Clark are 2 perfect examples of how frequencies destroy the mind and why I dropped all the zapper crap many years ago....
Metals are a no brainer, they are all poison and the smaller the metals, the more toxic they are.
Put these 2 together, metal consumption and zapper use and you turn people old so fast, but also cause them to loose control of their mind....
I 100% believe what human history has called "demons" is the process that takes control away from the human body... is that demon part of the origional human spirit or a totally differant evil spirit all its own, no human alive can know....
All I do know is as these people become more loaded with metals, acidic waste and we all live in a modern world maxed out with dangerous frequencies.....the final result is a body not in total control of the original owner..
Take you bi-polar types as an example.....they loose it and can become evil, vilent, murders or most anything and most with medical dope and better sleep, can function some what normal......and normal is when a human has "control"...
Once a human is loaded with metal, loaded with acid, organs worn out.....they loose that control with no way back....because once out of control enough, they will never desire to come back, they seek death via more poison.
I use to say have all your metals out of your dental and body by age 50, but since 1992 people are not desired to live past age 40, so this simply means stop all metal consumption now, remove it, don't consume more of it....avoud your dentist and doctors like a plague.
Do not buy the vitamin crap, the over counter drugs, avoid the metals.....they spray metals on you from the skies above..if you think that is crap, buy your self a high powered 1 million+ power flashlight and go outside after dark on a very calm night and look at the trillions x trillions of particals of aluminum & titanium dioxide falling onto you and your lands as a way of world war 3 on you...reducing your lifespan as part of depopulation.
You can take a high powered spotting scope and look across the land and see the aluminum metal shower falling to this earth durring bright sunlight anytime..
Take the normal home, inside your home you breath in an enormous amount of is a wonder any of us can breathe in the average home.......our lungs are wonderous organs and we all have seen how humans die, they loose their lung capacity as they choke to death....
To live today, you need to be wise, save your kidneys, save your lungs, avoid things that take you away from being able to control your body....