At 30, my hormones went crazy.
At 40, I gave up my top teeth. Every tooth had at least 3 fillings. At least I'd refused root canals.
Between 40 and 50, I had 2 kidney stones ... passed them at home, no insurance.
By the time I was 50, I knew my body had a REAL problem with fats, greasy foods, etc.
At 52, I realized that I had ZERO digestion, my back hurt horribly and my right ribcage felt like there was an inflated basketball over filling it.
MH spent alot of time in 2006 guiding me back to health. He stuck by me because he saw that I was listening, applying and readReadREADing.
Good diet, exercise, sunshine, sitz baths ... I tried to do it all. By the end of 2006, I felt better than I ever had in my adult life.
The biggest negative for me: I wanted to fast, long term. Everytime I tried, my liver and kidneys felt like they swole several times their nomal size. whyWhy WHY?? THEN as I started cilantro and chlorella for metals, same sensation. WEIRD
2008, even though I felt pretty good, my ankles started swelling. Nothing seemed to help. After about 5 months of this, there came the day that I felt like I was being filled with water from my feet up. When I felt the fluids in my abdominal cavity, I was SCARED - congestive heart failure?? How after 2 1/2 yrs of a much improved lifestyle. I called Brenda and talked to MH through her for about 45 mins. They were leaving for vacation the next morning. MH devised a plan (I was all about being alive when they got home, so I was writing it down!) Things improved starting immediately ... constant KP, a few grains of sea salt in every drink, keep feet up as much as possible. The swelling went away a few weeks later at the beach. What changed? I rotated off and on my herbs wondering if I'd reached some tolerance level. It took a good while to realize what kept the swelling away.
When I go out of town, I take more food than clothes. I'd bought bananas for my breakfast for that long weekend. When I got home, I kept eating the bananas; when I ate them, my feet didn't swell. OK, bananas for breakfast is fast, easy and cheap. I'd wound up a saltaholic when I was on the downhill slide. Was my potassium/sodium pump "broken"? maybe.... I knew potatoes have alot of potassium, so I began eating baked potatoes as well. For literally years, my mouth tasted salty all the time, that and metallic. I seemed to be detoxing salt. From 2008 until early this year, my ankles did not swell.
In Feb, I decided to try thinker's fast idea, adding coconut milk to my OJ. Tasty and it kept the liver pumping and I fast 17 days with 1 meal. BUT, OMG, my right foot got the HUGE abcess ... it was 3" wide, 2" high. I didn't open it and it got infected. I took care of it by applying instinct and did fine. (pretty sure the details are here back in Feb). I don't know if you've ever taken care of a very bad burn, but I have. This thing acted just like a 2nd/3rd degree burn. The skin turned white, dried and had to be peeled or cut away. It healed no problem.
In June, the other foot did it. I opened it as soon as I saw the fluid accumulating. MUCH EASIER to deal with. It's wound up peeling away to just as large a wound ... it's under the skin on my feet ... whatever IT is.
Then again, this month, my right foot, big toe itself to outside of little toe, across the bottom. This one is NASTY.
soooooo ... MH lead poisoning, heavy metal and his skin fell off. I emailed him, trying to figure out what on earth is going on.
After putting the details together for him, more than what's here, he explains that with my liver and kidneys not being able to handle the toxins, perhaps metals, that my body sent them to my feet ... what it does normally. For what ever reason my circulation in my extremities wasn't good and it stayed there until my feet tried throwing it out.
I am taking formulas that speed up circulation - LS/a, MaxRestore and I have a bottle of foot oil on it's way (this is very strong garlic oil for rubbing on the bottoms of my feet.)
We have a footbath in our house. I've been using it, just to see.... An amazing amount of what is identified as heavy metals has come out of my feet, so perhaps this really is the problem. (MH was listening about the kind of footbath we have when I advised that we'd tested to see if it would change the water with no feet even in it ... it doesn't even run if your feet aren't in the water ... MH the name brand is CellSpa.)
Hope this helps someone!! So many people hit these walls and just quit. Keep plugging away, keep reading and give MH DETAILS and he will figure it out.
My liver no longers does that, but apparently the metals headed to my feet prior to '08 and during that time.
No metals in my mouth for over 10 years now. But LOTS of it from pre-school until almost 50.
The first one was infected because I was letting it "run it's course" rather than letting the fluid out. The others have been all lymph fluid or that and blood, but no pus at all.
I've sprayed the bottoms of my feet with Spray III to speed up circulation and bandaged the blisters and callouses with B&W and kept the dead skin peeled and/or cut away. I took LS/a for circulation and it's high garlic (anti-bacterial properties) and MaxRestore ... same reasons. I dbled up on my olive tincture dosage and oregano oil as well. I'd have thrown the kitchen sink at this if it had anti-biotic properties!!
B&W is one of those things that one needs to have on-hand before there's a need for it. As a family, we've gone through jars and jars of it over the years, but I was buying the smallest size ... for just in case I need it. (It's made from honey which is anti-bacterial)