2 things I don't understand...
You're right, this all seems to be a big misunderstanding, with some secrets perhaps beneath it.
The two things I don't understand are:
1) Why MH had mentioned previously this book and that he would like to read it and then when osal posted a link, why MH gave such a response? osal didn't write the book, he just posted a link to a book MH himself had mentioned, so I do find MH's response(s) QUITE curious
2) Why osal got SO offended? I agree it was a bit rude and MH never did give a satisfactory explanation but from being around this forum I know that it is not unusual for MH to be blunt and even "rude" and certainly "mysterious" at times. That's his way for this forum, plain for all to see. I am surprised that osal got so offended and took it so personally.
This blew into something big, when it certainly didn't need to happen that way.
Actually there is a third thing, there is obviously tension between different posters and I don't know WHAT that is all about!