Re: I Have To Say This
People seem to think they are important enough to be personal. "IF" so, they should show their face, their address and phone number so we can all get to know them personally, be friends! Know what they like and dislike and step on egg shells around subjects we freinds knows will offend our friend. That is personal friendship, a great thing in life that makes life worth living.
On a public forum, no one knows anyone, anyone giving a name is zero of importance and no one on this earth would post a personal question and expect back a personal answer.
When a post is made, it is a post for all and an answer for all is returned. NOTHING is the truth set in stone, we know nothing more than what we believe in today.
People wanting personal answers to personal questions normally PAY for the answers they want to hear. That is why I don't charge for seminars or answering questions to anyone asking. "IF" you want personal answers Christopher is available by phone for $125 per hour, but he won't walk on egg shells, he will tell you the way it is, if you don't like his answers, you hang up and stop paying. The local MD lives well by giving personal answers. The local preachers do even better giving the answers people want and get paid big $$$$$ in return.
I don't expect anyone to believe the same as I do or anyone to change. I hope everyone can learn to be independant.