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Michael B Views: 2,054
Published: 13 y
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I did not have any captures last night with the GT- it is my thinking that I have caught all the ghosts that have been hitchiking in my aura. However- an interesting thing did happen where a bunch of chickens came right by my window. I swear to god these chickens are possessed. Anyway- something HOPPED off the chickens and into me which really pissed me off. I was connected to the GT so I was wondering what the deal was.

But it got what was coming. After swimming around my etheric body for a few minutes it got sucked down the GT and my left leg once again jerked and popped out of the water! So although there is some time lag involved- at least the system does indeed trap wayward spirits from the "outside"...although I was the unhappy medium for the capture -__-

Still infinitely better than having an entity hop into me and NOT get it removed.

In retrospect, the potential capture which I doubted previously (saturday night) was indeed a real capture. If you recall, my foot popped out of the water and something which has been in my right ribcage is no longer present. In retrospect, it was quite large and so I think the larger grounding wire DEFINITELY contributes to a bigger sucking power by the GT.

Still going for the "Big One". I might have to buy the thickest gauge copper wire and have a grounding pole 8 feet down for that SOB. Whatever it is- reptilian or not- it is at least 20 times the energetic volume of these other entities. Is is huge and this is why it has been causing me so much trouble these past few years.

Stay tuned.



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