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Post-Fast Nutrition
chrisb1 Views: 2,822
Published: 13 y

Post-Fast Nutrition

We are probably all aware how important the role of nutrition is in combating and preventing disease, in fact Linus Pauling was quoted as saying that "every disease can be traced to a nutritional/mineral deficiency", so once our bodys are cleansed of toxemia, and the max' amount of healing has been accomplished via water-only-fasting, the role of nutrition (and especially nutrition) plus other lifestyle factors such as fresh air adequate rest and sleep, judicious sunbathing, exercise, and so on, are vital in maintaining a superior state of health.

This leads me on to a practice and habit I have adopted in recent months, because of the inferior quality of our food supply within recent decades, and something I would like to share with you all, for the benefit of all.
I have no affiliation with the company involved, but the difference this has made to my life, and the quality of my life as I approach the end of middle age, is nothing short of remarkable..................



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