13 y
Re: Wanted Christians To Stand Up
Currently there are times when finances are hard and in board meetings men pray about how they can be better stewards with the money God gives to them. Well they said God led them to drop us financially but they are still there for us as a spiritual covering and in prayer.
So if God led them to this decision then God knows how to take care of us. And though I went without food for a few days my children never went hungry. some money arrived we paid our bills bought some food and that was it. We will trust him because next week when the food runs out God will provide.
What I do has always been by faith. I never did deputation I just went out in 1997 full time after two years of part time missions. It has been worse back in 2001 when we would get $40 check every two months to live on and it takes 45 days for the check to clear. but I only had one child back then.
I wrote a famous Christan teacher in Texas, of which some of his videos were posted by some of the people here about his end times teachings. I asked if he could spare a few copies of a DVD's they put out that we could use for evangelism. I told them I lived and served by faith and didn't have the money to purchase the DVD's. They would not give them for free and said they would pray for us. that was a multi-billion dollar a year ministry and they couldn't spare 3 DVD's.
But then there is a little church in Florida can't have more than 100 members. they send us 6 or 7 boxes a year full of books and bibles to give away to pastors, lay people and even new converts along with cases of DVD music. I bet those books and DVD's cost in the area of $7 or 8 thousand dollars not including the shipping every year.
Which one would you say was living by faith and doing the real work of the Lord?
God has always been good, he has never let me down. I could testify of his goodness and like Paul I can say, Php 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, [therewith] to be content.
If you want someone to stand up I am one who will stand up and testify of the goddness of our Lord and God, Jesus Christ.