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MICHAEL B is out of his mind.....MENTALLY ILL
spence987 Views: 1,715
Published: 12 y
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MICHAEL B is out of his mind.....MENTALLY ILL

Eat whatever you want and you'll be fine. Just get your immune system up and running; get rid of dental Amalgams and do heavy metal chelation; stop taking Antibiotics and replenish your gut flora, quit watching television and get out in nature and excercise, and get in touch with your emotions, feel, and be present in your body.

If your lettuce has mud, slugs, and caterpillars on it then you may so choose to wash it. I don't."

This guy Michale B is mentally ill I think; He comments on everything and he claims to know almost everything; purveys completely bizarre notions.... ; he is either simply bored deliberately seeking to make people ill or he is just really sick and something is wrong with his brain, sitting in some hole, and having access to his computer and saying whatever comes to his mind; Can you believe this guys says that you should eat dirt!To top that, he believes INTENT IS EVERYTHING and not your disease disease.

Get this guy off the forum. HE IS A COMPLETE NUT.



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